Once upon a time, a guy called Tracker_TD played
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle on the Nintendo Gamecube.
And his life was never the same.
Hey there! I'm Tracker_TD. I play lots of very old video games, especially ones featuring blue hedgehogs. My initial 'claim to fame', if you can really call it that, was creating a wide variety of hoaxes online, which is just a glamorous way to go about things, isn't it?
If you've ever seen a picture of Sonic in Splatoon, or Sonic in Tekken, or a picture of 'Sonic Forces' from a PlayStation Meeting that never happened, those were all my handiwork.
Nowadays I've turned my attention to something more tangible than hoaxes - video game modding. As well as making a variety of mods myself, I'm also responsible for the Sonic Perfect System Collection, a guidebook to assembling the definitive assortment of Sonic games -
Quality of Life features, cut content restored, graphics brought up to par with modern platforms... it's a one-stop shop for building a 'perfect collection' of Sonic games. Or at least, it's what I consider that to look like.
Besides that blasted hedgehog, I'm also a big fan of old video games in general. Some favourites include
Popful Mail, Illbleed, ESP RA.DE, Fighting Vipers 2, and
Gurumin. Amongst a million more.
As with pursuing the 'perfect setup' for my Sonic games, I've done much the same for my video game hardware. Indeed, most of the screenshots you'll find on this website were captured from original hardware, where possible. That's not to say I never dip into emulation (or ports, as the Sonic Perfect System guide illustrates), but for classic stuff, nothing
beats playing on the original system.
Astro Museum is the name I've plastered on a bunch of mods, projects, and other things as a sort of 'studio name' to fly under. It was always intended to front a website, I just never got around to making said website... until now. This site is home to my modding projects, but also to
whatever rambling I deem necessary; namely, stuff I've tweeted about in the past but that risks being otherwise lost to time in the hellscape that is Twitter's search function. Need a special boot disc for Virtual On for Dreamcast? Need to know more than you could ever need
to know about Daytona USA 2? Want a deep-dive on a Sonic cameo in an old SEGA beat-em up? Well, you're in the right place.
To be blunt, it's also blatantly inspired (that's the word we're going with) by
Gaming Hell, a website I've spent about half of my adult life reading and
that I hold responsible for the number of old video games I play nowadays. In all seriousness, it's my favourite video game site ever and you should go read it.
You can find me on other places too! Places like
Twitch, and
Welcome to Astro Museum! Enjoy your stay. Make sure to check out the gift shop. The one we don't have yet.